Wednesday, September 30, 2009

useless mental tidbits | fantastic lists

The round-up of fantastic lists...

945 (and rising) Books About Vancouver [vancouverhistory]
2009's Top 10 Endangered Heritage Sites in Canada [hcf] [vansun]
13 Sites Added to UNESCO World Heritage Site List. [cbc]
10 Ancient Greek Writers You Should Know. [listverse]
10 Greatest American Short Story Writers. [listverse]
100 Most Beautiful Words in the English Language. [alphaDictionary]
Top 10 Sesame Street TV Parodies. [huffingtonpost]
10 More Incredibly Bizarre Movies. [listverse]
Top 10 Classic Fantasy Movies of the 1980s. [listverse]
Top 10 Menacing Film Characters. [listverse]
10 Sci-Fi Movies to Throw Down a Black Hole. [wired]
100 Things Your Kids May Never Know About. [wired]
Top 10 Evil Geeks in the Movies. [wired]
100 Essential Skills for Geeks. [wired]
10 Endearing Habits of a Geeky Spouse. [wired]
10 Things You Should Know about Nerdapalooza. [wired]
10 Classic Videogame Glitches that Improved games. [CrispyGamer]
Top 10 Raw Deals for Gamers. [wired]
10 Most Meaningful Videogame Quotes of All Time. [destructoid]
26 T-Shirts of Internet Geeks. [dbt]
100 Web-Domain-Naming Disasters. [slurls]
5 tips for raising Your Girl Geek [wired]
100 Geeky Places to Take Your Kids in Summer. [wired]
10 Skills Every man Should Have. [listverse]
10 Recent and Controversial Bans Around the World. [listverse]
Another 10 Common Historical Myths. [listverse]
Yet Another 20 Fascinating Historical Facts. [listverse]
10 Cases of American Intervention in Latin America. [listverse]
10 Best Prison Breaks. [wired]
10 More Incredibly Bizarre Mental Disorders. [listverse]
5 Little-Known Facts About the Apollo 11 Moon Landing [NatlGeo]
10 Things You Didn't Know About the Apollo 11 Moon Landing. [PopSci]
15 Fascinating Lesser-Known Science facts. [listverse]
Top 10 Amazing Lost or Suppressed Inventions. [listverse]
10 Things We Don't Understand About Humans. [NewScientist]
10 Recently Extinct Animals. [listverse]
10 Mass Extinctions That Would Really Suck. [listverse]
20 Ideas for Solving the Climate Crisis. []
10 Unique City Parks from Around the World. [WomansDay]
11 Most Bike-Friendly Cities in the World. [VirginVacations]
31 National Geographic Photos. [inspiredology]
15 More Images You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped. [cracked]
16 Bad Michael Jackson Tattoos. [buzzfeed]
21 Horrible Fashion Ideas that Took Off. [StyleCrave]
10 Freakiest Japanese Gadgets. [gizmotron]
10 More Amazing Coincidences. [listverse]
Another 10 bizarre cases of mass hysteria. [listverse]
10 More Extremely Bizarre Phobias. [listverse]
10 Tips for Leading Businesses in Turbulent Times. [biv]
Top 10 Golf Courses across the World. [googlesightseeing]