Saturday, January 30, 2010

useless mental tidbits | fantastic lists

Another collection of lists...

10 Vilest Villians of Fictional Literature. [ListVerse]
12 More Insanely Titled Books. [oddee]
Top 10 Bathroom Reads. [ListVerse]
Top 10 Best Books for Inquiring Minds. [ListVerse]
10 More Bizarre Music Videos. [ListVerse]
Top 10 Firsts in Feature Films. [ListVerse]
Top 10 Action Movies to Laugh Out Loud To. [ListVerse]
Top 10 Strangest Moments of Movie-Monster Science [ListVerse]
Top 15 Greatest Composers of All Time. [ListVerse]
8 Cool Social Media InfoGraphics. [econsultancy]
Top 10 Emotional Olympic Moments. [ListVerse]
10 Incredibly Significant Moments in History. [ListVerse]
10 Historic Events Then and Now. [ListVerse]
Top 10 Individual Protests. [ListVerse]
Top 10 Legacies of the Middle Ages. [ListVerse]
10 Great Non-European Achievers. [ListVerse]
15 Failed Predictions about the Future [oddee] [via kotte]
20 Most Amazing Coincidences. [oddee]
Top 10 Scientific Achievements We Are Waiting For. [ListVerse]
15 Quite Bizarre Factlets. [ListVerse]
Yet Another 10 Commonly Believed Myths. [ListVerse]
Top 10 Famous Real Ghosts. [ListVerse]
12 Outrageous Racist Vintage Ads. [oddee]
15 Most Outrageous T-shirts You Can Buy. [oddee]
10 Wierdest Wedding Invitations. [oddee]
15 Worst Catwalk Fails. [oddee]
6 Adorable Cat Behaviours With Shockingly Evil Explanations. [cracked]
10 Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Cancer [PickTheBrain]