Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Daily Shizu (neither a daily nor a shizu)

Alrighty! Let's get the round-up of diversionary stuff from over the last while sorted out...

Due to an article in the New York Times that postulated Google was becoming a media-company rather than a web-searching company because of its ownership (and searching) of sites like youTube... there is now an (unofficial) search site that searches Google but eliminates most results that are also from Google... it's called Google Minus Google. I wonder how long it will take before The Google Lawyers dive in...?

And given the recent excitement between Georgia and Russia, apparently there have been a lot of people looking on Google Maps... and if you've done any Google-Map-Tourism, you'll already know there are many places on the globe that Google Maps considers to be large grey swaths of empty land... here's the response...

Here's a fun one: the Government of Canada makes cuts to the funding of a program for the arts, then blames the cuts on "certain acts"... one of the acts singled out responds... and Holy F---.

Here's a great letter from a librarian to a patron offended by the contents of a book in the library...

Here's an interesting collection of book ads that ran in the New York Times, from ken kesley to Hunter S. Thompson.

And from the Big Picture on Boston.Com, here's some fantastic photos of the Large Hadron Collider that is being built straddling the border between Switzerland and France.

Amazing photos by Li Wei.

Feel like bucking the establishment? It's done every day by the Flat Earth Society. Check out the BBC article about being a Flat Earther. Almost interested but not sure? More questions? Check out the FAQ.

Mighty Girl has the Top Ten Stupidest Ideas on Flickr.

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