Saturday, October 4, 2008

Vancouver Round-up!

If you haven't done this already, go to the City Reflections website and order a copy of the DVD produced by the Vancouver Historical Society! If you don't know what this is, a great description of the DVD contents is on the re:Place Magazine site, who also did a great article describing the project in depth.

In case you missed the Georgia Straight's annual Best of Vancouver awards, take a wander over to the blog for a great post about Kitsilano being voted the Best Neighbourhood... again. Plus lots of great links to businesses in Kits.

And in case you hadn't noticed (and we know you did!), the political mastermind John Turner
failed to jump the electoral hoops to run again as Vancouver Quadra's neorhino candidate. So NOW who do I vote for...? And I have to add, it's really too bad, because I think it was his year... after all, apparently more Canadians believe in the existence of Bigfoot than in promises made by politicians. If that doesn't spell "N-E-O-R-H-I-N-O-V-I-C-T-O-R-Y" then I don't know what will.

Ran across this and thought it might be a great time outdoors, if I ever went outdoors: the UBC Botanical Garden's Greenheart Canopy Walkway. A nice photo and write-up on the Tourism BC flickr stream.

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