Friday, December 5, 2008

The problem with Day of the Ninja

December 5th is the annual Day of the Ninja.

A couple of quick tidbits:
Day of the Ninja (Dec 5) started in 2003 by the guys at website Ninja Burger.
Talk Like a Pirate Day (Sep 19) started in 1995 by two guys in Oregon.

Why won't Ninja Day catch on like TLaP Day? Well, maybe it will. But right from the official ND site: Plague your co-workers with ninja-ness and wear a ninja mask to work! Got the day off? Run wild in the streets, or dress like a ninja at the mall! Just show the world that YOU ARE NINJA!

Let me put it this way: I may give an "avast, me hearties" while slipping past my co-workers in the lunchroom to grab another cup of coffee... but I am certainly not wearing a ninja mask to get to that cup of java. The first, a funny conversation-starter... the second... I see no potential but humiliation and embarrassment. And dressing like a ninja at the mall or on the street? How about International "Kick-Me-Sign-On-My-Back" Day instead?

And fine, maybe I ain't as free-wheelin' cool as others out there... but I like to think I likely represent the median attitude on this Ninja vs Pirate vs Zombie question, and it's my opinion that Ninja Day will only catch on with hardcore extremist ninjas, while Pirate Day will appeal to a wider audience. It boils down to the "ease of participation" and "potential humiliation limited to self-chosen situations" factors.
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