Thursday, March 12, 2009

citiZEN | Poet Laureate for Vancouver

The deadline for submissions to become the next Poet Laureate of Vancouver has been extended to March 20, 2009. Check out vancouververse.

From the no-shame category, here's a poem I wrote... available for purchase in my book, 51 Poems for a 50-Poem World...

Like Alma, not seen since summertime, with love,

I have loved you since you were a road--
You rebellious outsider edging civilization.
The Captain saluted and bid adieu
To a thin green line charging lightly
Into the pages of History.
(Or at least Elizabeth Walker's.)

And Jerry may have had his cove
While the Chief of Khats his beach
I had unfettered access to all
Grounds that Alderman Almond loved
(For such it is in times of war
Coffee comes with peace.)
With your unrestrained curves
Twisting like a goat's path in the highlands.

It was sad to lose you at your Sweet 16
When you crashed into the 3700 block
And abruptly ended.

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