Monday, April 20, 2009

To Hell in a Handbasket | Reefer Madness!

Check out the Purple Kush. (bonussaves)
Sooo... it's that date, it's that time... we're talking about marijuana. The Weed. The Reef. Uh... anyhoo... Usage by teens has gone down... but the usage of prescription drugs and hallucinogenics has risen. (CTV) And a home-grown study shows that "young people" are turning to the weed for therapeutic purposes... not "just to get high"... (CTV)

There's story in the Georgia Straight about a Victoria police officer that has called for legalization. (straight) And a letter in response points out that we should find out what police officers really do think about the issue... they have been kept on a leash to toe the party line, but their insight really would be useful to make a rational decision. (straight)

If you're in favour of decriminalization, your vote should go to the Green Party in the May 12, 2009 Provincial Election. (CTV) In a refreshingly rational response from a politician, the Green leader, Jane Sterk, wants to see pot sold in liquor-store-style outlets. (straight) As the B.C. Marijuana Party leader, Marc Emory, pointed out: Gang Violence cannot be stopped with Prohibition. (straight)

Oh, and your friend in the Feds is Liberal MP Keith Martin, who tabled a bill to make possession of two grams or two marijuana plants legal. Fines would be assessed for possession over the limit. (CTV) Mr. Martin also wrote a compelling Op-Ed piece in the Globe. (G&M) This is in contrast to the Conservative Party, who tabled Bill C-15 which marks a draconian step backward. (straight) The BC Compassion Club also voiced their opposition to this bill. (straight)

And the U.S. Consul General in Vancouver walks the line... he expressed doubts on the usefulness of punishing the user, but stated a reduction in consumption was the only way to reduce gang violence, if gang violence was fueled by drugs. (straight)

I love lists:
Top 10 Common Myths About Cannabis
15 Fascinating Facts about Hemp

The abomb&thecorpse Take: The illegal drug trade is pumping cash into gangs. In order to reduce the strength of the gangs, we need to hinder their cash-flow. If the System doesn't have the balls to legalize, regulate and tax this product, then maybe the only option available to individuals wanting to get as close to the law-and-order side of the equation as possible should see if their family physician will prescribe some herbal-pharm for medicinal use. (I think through a physician is the best way... the freelance "compassion associations" may actually be "connected" to the wrong side. (CTV)

Oh, and Phish is touring again. (NYT)

But it's not all happy-fun-times news. Germany banned a "marijuana-like" substance known as "Spice". (TheLocalDotDE)

And the Journal of Cancer has an article that links heavy marijuana use to testicular cancer in men. (GoodMag)

But to be fair, there's concerning news no matter what one's drug of choice may be: research shows that heavy coffee, tea, soda or energy beverage drinkers (in other words: caffeine) may be more prone to hallucinate, hear imaginary voices, and even sense the presence of deceased people. (NatlGeo)

Finally, Good Magazine can point you to a BostonDotCom article about how to hack your brain to experience a drug-free high...

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