Tuesday, June 30, 2009

headspace | Google Sightseeing, a brilliant blog

Zzyzx, CaliforniaImage via Wikipedia

Sometimes I run across items or blogs that collect things that can't really be classified. They are unique instances of brilliance. One such case is the Google Sightseeing blog, which uses Google Maps or Google Earth to "visit" famous or interesting locations.

Here are a few of my favourite posts.

Leptis Magna. UNESCO World Heritage Site, and well-preserved ancient Roman city in Libya, with a history dating back over 3,000 years.

Hadrian's Wall. The edge of the ancient Roman Empire.

Point Roberts. The "greatest gated-community in the United States."

Osoyoos Desert. Canada's only desert region, in the beautiful Okanagan Valley!

Peace Sanctuary of Northern British Columbia.

Lake Peigneur. A three-metre deep freshwater lake that in 1980 suddenly became a 60-metre deep saltwater lake... after a man-made disaster... fascinating story!

Ancient Fishing Weir. A 1,000-year-old fishing weir found off the coast of Wales. Investigated after the unusual rock pattern was noticed on Google Earth!

Karnak Temple Complex. Just outside of Luxor, Egypt's second-most-visited tourist attraction after the Pyramids at Giza.

Eyam. A plague village that took amazing measures to halt the spread of a mid-1600s outbreak.

Zzyzx, California. C'mon. You always wanted to know the story about Zzyzx, California. Now's your chance to visit...

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This is an unpaid, unsolicited plea: Please support fantastic ideas. Go check out the book put together by the Google Sightseeing folks, and buy a copy through your favourite retailer!

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