Friday, July 31, 2009

useless mental tidbits | fantastic lists

Great lists we've run across recently:

10 More Ancient Inventions You Think Are modern [ListVerse]
10 Truly Bizarre Scientific Studies [ListVerse]
10 Scientific Objects That Changed The World [NewScientist]
15 Amazing Science Facts [ListVerse]
Top 10 Ways to Provoke a Geek Argument [wired]
10 More Ways to Provoke a Geek Argument [wired]
20 More Ways You Know You're married to a GeekDad [wired]
Top Funny Science T-Shirts [teenormous]
10+ Places to Get a Free Education [jimmyr]
50 Most Useful Web Resources for University Students [educhoices]
10 Awesome Tools to Get More Out of Wikipedia [dumblittleman]
50 Scientifically Proven Ways to be Persuasive [moskalyuk]
8 Powerful Career Lessons They Should've Handed Out on Graduation Day [ptb]
10 Busted Myths about Canadian Health Care: for Americans [TransGriot]
4 Ways to Make Life Lighter [ptb]
The Stories Behind 10 TV Theme Songs [neatorama]
45 Ridiculous Pictures of Boy Bands [buzzfeed]
10 Notable Grunge Bands [ListVerse]
10 Most Creative People in the Music Biz [FastCompany]
10 Memorable Web Series [cbc]

10 Incredibly Memorable Movie Quotes [ListVerse]
Top 10 Most Evil Disney Villains [ListVerse]
Top 10 Survival Tips for People in Horror Flicks [ListVerse]
Ten Tips for Turning Your Kids into Trekkies [wired]
The Seven Types of Book Store Patron [RocketBomber] [via kottke]
Another 10 Books That Changed The World [ListVerse]
48 Best Classic Books to Read [LifeOptimizer]
25 Places to Read free Books Online [educhoices]
Top 10 Longest Novels in the English Language [ListVerse]
18 Challenges in Contemporary Literature [wired]
25 Awesome Cross-Platform Games You Can Download for Free [DLsquad]
10 Internet Memes You Can Share With Kids and a Bunch You Can't [wired]
Top 10 Utterly Useless Military Commanders [ListVerse]
Top 10 Significant Historical Coup d'Etats [ListVerse]
10 Things to Know about the American Army in WWII [HNN]
Top 10 Incredibly Dangerous Sports [ListVerse]
10 "You Might Be A Redneck" Limos [Jalopnik]
20 Notes on 365 Days on 2 Wheels (Tips for Biking in Vancouver) [beyondrobson]
Canda's 10 Most-Visited Tourist Attractions 2009 [forbes]
15 Fascinating Facts about Toilets [ListVerse]
35 Tip Jars Designed to Make You Want to Give More [TopCultured]

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