Sunday, August 30, 2009

Dossier Z | Radiohead

Three new Radiohead re-issues are being released in August. [exclaim]

Radiohead (or Ed O'brien and Phil Selway?) are releasing a track, which marks drummer Phil Selway's debut of recorded vocal, for a charity album for Oxfam. [nme]

And Thom Yorke has expressed interest in contributing music to the Twilight sequel. [exclaim] They did music for the end credits of the first...

Check out the winners of Aniboom's Radiohead animation contest. [aniboom] Fantastic!

And to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Radiohead's OK Computer the blog Stereogum asked some of their favorite musicians to participate in a song-by-song covers compilation. [stereogum]

Following the death of Britain's last World War One veteran of the trenches, Radiohead released a tribute using Harry Patch's own words describing his experience. [cbc] [nyt] [bbc] It's available for download from their web site for 1 pound, with all proceeds going to the Royal British Legion. [waste]

Harry Patch (In memory of)

I am the only one that got through
The others died where ever they fell
It was an ambush
They came up from all sides
Give your leaders each a gun and then let them fight it out themselves
I've seen devils coming up from the ground
I've seen hell upon this earth
The next will be chemical but they will never learn

And after reports that Thom Yorke said the band were unlikely to release full albums again, and only do EP and singles [], a mysterious song was leaked on the internet. [ChartAttack]

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