Tuesday, August 10, 2010

secret communications | drop to the abomb

There have been some things I have been saving for The Agenda.

On the other hand, I love Betty White. I love that in her interview with the New York Times art beat she says the upcoming Hallmark Hall of Fame movie she's doing appealed to her because it's "a deep, deep love story, like the one I had with my beloved Allen Ludden." [NYT] Oh, and not as much fun because the embedded videos will not work in our socialist nation, here's another Betty White thing from a while ago, still an interesting read. [NYT] And I'll vote for Ms. White to hand out Oscars. [bbc]

Pop-up Underground Restaurants? What? They make supper clubs (didn't realize supper clubs were basically unliscensed restaurants, I guess) sound like almost something I'd be willing to try, one day, maybe. On a dare. [VanSun]

It's almost like it was lifted out of Mad Men. Here are some vintage sexist ads. [ichi]

I don't expect to see anything like this on Mad Men. It's an old article, but I'm going to embed the video here. And the season just ended, so here will be no more girl-smashing goodness until next year now. [via]

In case you were wondering: here's a brief history of the Boston Bruins. [nhl] After all, it's going to be hockey season soon, and that means it's almost time to get a larger television set, with surround sound, and invite people over to slop beer and yell at the screen. Or not. But here's an idea that seems sort of crazy, but totally makes sense: entertaining regularly helps keep your place clean and tidy. [lifehacker]

Speaking of, apparently the world is on the verge of a bedbug pandemic!! There are probably people you know that should know this. [cbc]

I still cannot stop laughing about this stupid lawsuit, about the mother suing her children for "parental support", who she'd abandoned decades before. Seriously sucks for the dude, for the frustration of this nonsense, but obviously the mother is a top-notch idiot. [ctv] Can't wait to see how it ends... it was put on hold and no date has been set to resume.

And did you see this: a team of University of Victoria scientists have discovered that dogs can wag their tails the "wrong way" to other dogs. [VanSun]

And this is almost totally awesome, if it weren't for the immediate-afterthought of "isn't this why we're getting away from individual water bottles?" Le Froglet has started producing single-serve wine in plastic glasses! Seriously, check it out: [DrVino]

Finally, so I don't overwhelm anybody, here's something I saw a while back. I know everyone loves the Lady Gaga.

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