Saturday, October 2, 2010

Movin' Pixers | The Big Round-Up

I do not go to movies very often. I do not like to have people all around me, in a dark, enclosed place. But I like movies.

Collecting items of interest relating to Movies.

Apparently Issac Asimov's Foundation series is slated to become a movie, at some point. Maybe. (I'm being facetious because I think they've been talking about this since the '70s.) [nyt] Line to note: "Release date for the film was not announced."

And here is a list of the 20 most-anticipated sci-fi movies of 2011, according to Sci Fi Wire.

I've always been interested in micronations, and this Canadian documentary looks interesting: How to Start Your Own Country. And that leads nicely into this ListVerse item for the Top 10 Bizarre Micronations.

And if you love Canadian punk music, you should check out Bloodied but Unbowed, the punk movie. And the site has lots of photos and video features that are not in the movie, with more being added every so often.

Since we're on the subject of Documentaries, the site FreeDocumentaries catalogues documentary films that have been released by their respective copyright owners for public display. Some new ones, too! [via LifeHacker]

In the nostalgia file is the anticipation for the Gilligan's Island film.

Here are the Top 10 Brilliant Movie Recuts, as according to ListVerse.

And finally, a collection of interesting trailers, interviews and oddities...

[via Kottke]

First, a link to the list of the Top 10 Movie Shots of 2009.

Next: David Lynch shares his favourite filmmakers, in 60 seconds.

The first trailer for Darren Aronofsky's Black Swan is out. Natalie Portman plays an out-of-control ballerina.

The trailer for Transcendent Man, a documentary about Ray Kurzweil (who plans never to die).

The trailer for the Arrested Development documentary.

[via Good]

The Futuristic Movie Timeline shows us when certain movie events "set in the future" are/were supposed to happen.

[via HaHa dot Nu]

Here's a collection of the top 20 five second films presented by UPROXX. Warning: It contains some graphic and NSFW scenes.

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