Tuesday, December 28, 2010

smarties | A few tidbits

The world/universe in which we (think we) live is a pretty wierd place. There are lots of different topics that fall under the purview of "science". Here are a few I've found interesting.

- Astronomy and Space Exploration

Relocation: First habitable exo-planet found. Send mail to Gliese 581, Planet G. [cbc] [bbc] [NatGeo]

- Research

The Internets is changing how research is conducted. Let's put a consumer-friendly label on it: Science 2.0. How nice. [CBC]

- History and Science

The moon appeared to disappear, even with the aid of telescopes, in May of 1761. According to a retired NASA scientist, the cause may have been a major volcanic eruption. [NatGeo]

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