Saturday, December 31, 2011

Crazy Humans | People Are Awesome 2011

Crazy DJ | Ruth Flowers aka DJ Mamy Rock

We all know the traditional view of the "old year" as an old man, and the "new year" as a newborn baby -- ever wonder what the "old year" does after it's collected the golden watch...? I think DJ Mamy Rocks has a pretty good idea. Check this out!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Yule | Terry Gilliam "The Christmas Card"

Yule | Coldplay "Christmas Lights"

Yule | Killers "The Cowboy's Christmas Ball"

Yule | Boney M. "Mary's Boy Child"

Yule | Coca Cola Christmas Trucks in Berlin

Yule | Santa is a Jerk

Yule | Rudolph Goes to Rehab

Yule | Jimmy Fallon "Drunk on Christmas"

Yule | Larry the Cable Guy "Politically Correct Christmas"

Yule | Jim Carrey "White Christmas"

Yule | Silent Monks "Hallelujah"

Yule | Christmas Lights

Yule | Trans-Siberian Orchestra "Christmas Canon Rock"

Yule | Elvis "Blue Christmas"

Yule | Waiting for Santa

Yule | Phil Marlow "Holiday Everything" from CBC This is That

Yule | Stephen Colbert "Cold, Cold Christmas"

Yule | Pogueswith Kirsty MacColl "Fairytale of New York"

Yule | Gruff Rhys "Post Apocalypse Christmas"

Yule | Jonathan Coulton "Chiron Beta Prime"

Yule | William Shatner's Happy Holidays

Yule | That T, from Arrested Development

Thanks to haha for that one!

Yule | Justin Bieber "Santa Claus is Coming to Town"

Yule | Tradition... the re-creation of the Baby Boomer's Christmas...

Friday, December 23, 2011

Crazy Awesome Buy | Have Not Been the Same album

Desperate to get something super-cool for that awesome music-lover on your list?! Check this out!!

Or you could get it after the Big Day and be a hero for simply giving a cool gift ("...saw this and thought of you...") without being social-traditionally-bound to do so...

Have Not Been The Same commercial from Colin Medley on Vimeo.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Beer | The WilliamsWarn Personal Brewery

omg. you mean i don't even have to go to the pub anymore...?

The WilliamsWarn Personal Brewery from WilliamsWarn on Vimeo.

Thanks to Beck and her fabulous becks beer blog for this enlightenment!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

ThreatWatch | Planet-Hacking

We've always had a bit of a love-hate relationship with Science down here in the abomb&thecorpse bunker. After all, Science gave us Reason, Evidence-based Change, and a host of technological developments that eventually led to a plethora of wonderfully nefarious devices to divert the attention of the masses. It opened up a whole new world of grey, which is absolutely magical to Our paradyme.

On the other hand, it also handed a spectrum of tools for potential mis-information and lies to Those Who Agendize. (I think this, or something to this effect, was said on The Wire: "A lie is not the other side of the story: it is still a lie.")

I have always loved Science for dreaming the big dream, for shooting at the stars, for going all-in, for doing almost any cliché you might wish to imagine for trying anything just to see how close it comes to being done.

This is one of those things I'm not sure is best to try on our planet -- after all, right now we only have one. Best not to mess that up until we've at least got another, in case we break the first one.

"Planet Hacking", more accurately Geoengineering, or manipulating natural systems to create a desired outcome, does not seem like a particularly good experiment to fiddle with. [cbc] I wonder if Eli Kintsch is the new Nero? (I tease. Obviously not. There will be nothing to fiddle to if Mr. Kintsch were to accidentally burn down the planet.)

crazy animator | Terry Gilliam explains Monty Python animations

Monday, November 14, 2011

crazy filmster | Support Your Local Video Store

I posted the first three webisodes of this a few posts back, when Videomatica was going to close down... they have since gotten together with the ever-excellent Kitsilano music store Zulu Records to share space, as this excellent post by Bob at Vancouver is Awesome explains.

Here are webisodes number 4 and 5 for you! (And check out the main SYLVS site!)

Support Your Local Video Store Episode 4 from Red Wheelbarrow on Vimeo.

Support Your Local Video Store Episode 5 from Red Wheelbarrow on Vimeo.

Monday, October 31, 2011

strength through unity unity through faith

Here's a cool story about David Lloyd...
The Man Behind the V for Vendetta Mask
by Rosie Waites at the BBC News Magazine.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

crazy filmsters | the Videomatica folks "Support Your Local Video Store"

This is a comedy web series by the fine folks at Videomatica, on West 4th Avenue in Vancouver. I can remember if they already closed down, or are closing down in future... which I guess is part of the problem, sadly. I hardly ever went to the store... but I loved that they were there.

Funny webisodes, though.

Support Your Local Video Store Episode 1 from Red Wheelbarrow on Vimeo.

Support Your Local Video Store Episode 2 from Red Wheelbarrow on Vimeo.

Support Your Local Video Store Episode 3 from Red Wheelbarrow on Vimeo.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

crazy filmster | Vita Bella: The Dogumentary

A web series mockumentary about a dog psychologist, filmed in Vancouver. Three episodes so far, as of this posting... I'll post those here, and you can find the rest!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

crazy musician | Marc Martel, as Freddy Mercury

This has made the internets rounds a bit already, and I didn't bother to watch it initially due to the hype... glad I did, actually... this guy has a really good voice, period. He made this to audition for a Queen cover band... and didn't seem to expect the response from the general public. Again: great voice.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

crazy musician | Katelyn Molgard

via the ever-amazing and wonderful Jonathan Dy.

Book Party!

Come to The Beaumont (316 West 5th Avenue, at Alberta Street) at 9pm this Saturday, September 24, 2011 for the release of Mark Loader's newest M.O.R. graphic novel! The $12 entry gets you in, and gets you a copy of the book (limited to the first 100 people)! Plus live music by Katelyn Molgard! There will always be MOR!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Monday, August 1, 2011

Respect | BC Day

In short form, we in British Columbia have BC Day to celebrate the pioneers who built the Colony into the great Province it is today. And because when it was brought in everybody else had the first MOnday in August off already.

Bob Kronbauer at the Vancouver Is Awesome site wrote an excellent post last year to explain the history of the day in more detail. [via]

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Respect | B.C. Women

British Columbian women won the right to vote in Provincial elections, on this date in 1917.

Last year Daniel Francis at KnowBC wrote an excellent post about this important event. [knowbc]