Wednesday, December 7, 2011

ThreatWatch | Planet-Hacking

We've always had a bit of a love-hate relationship with Science down here in the abomb&thecorpse bunker. After all, Science gave us Reason, Evidence-based Change, and a host of technological developments that eventually led to a plethora of wonderfully nefarious devices to divert the attention of the masses. It opened up a whole new world of grey, which is absolutely magical to Our paradyme.

On the other hand, it also handed a spectrum of tools for potential mis-information and lies to Those Who Agendize. (I think this, or something to this effect, was said on The Wire: "A lie is not the other side of the story: it is still a lie.")

I have always loved Science for dreaming the big dream, for shooting at the stars, for going all-in, for doing almost any cliché you might wish to imagine for trying anything just to see how close it comes to being done.

This is one of those things I'm not sure is best to try on our planet -- after all, right now we only have one. Best not to mess that up until we've at least got another, in case we break the first one.

"Planet Hacking", more accurately Geoengineering, or manipulating natural systems to create a desired outcome, does not seem like a particularly good experiment to fiddle with. [cbc] I wonder if Eli Kintsch is the new Nero? (I tease. Obviously not. There will be nothing to fiddle to if Mr. Kintsch were to accidentally burn down the planet.)

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