Monday, December 31, 2012

Environment | Maghalayas Living Bridge

I offer this as perhaps the last post of 2012. It's time to get back to being one with the terrain, in Lucky 13.

This is amazing.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Yule | The Barr Brothers "Dear Mrs Claus"

Yule | DMX "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer"

Yule | NOFX "X-mas has been X'ed"

Yule | Scientist explains Santa Tech

Yule | Isaac Hayes "Mistletoe & Me" (1969)

Yule | Jon Bon Jovi "Please Come Home for Christmas" (1998)

Yule | Mel Torme & Judy Garland "The Christmas Song"

Yule | Bela Fleck & The Flecktones "12 Days of Christmas"

Yule | How Snowflakes Form

Yule | Ella Fitzgerald "We Three Kings"

Yule | Ray Charles "Merry Christmas Baby" (1979)

Yule | Trans-Siberian Orchestra "Christmas Canon Rock"

Yule | Recordings of Christmas Past

Curators at the Museum of London have discovered what they believe to be the first ever recordings of a family Christmas, made 110 years ago by the Wall family who lived in New Southgate in North London. The recordings were made between 1902 and 1917 on wax cylinders made by a phonograph machine.

Absolutely fascinating story. [BBC]

Yule | Orson Welles' Mercury Theatre "A Christmas Carol"

Yule | Michael Buble debuts new all-humming Christmas album! (Jimmy Fallon)

Yule | Cocteau Twins "Frosty the Snowman"

Yule | Bruce Springsteen "Santa Claus is Comin' to Town"

Yule | Listverse "10 Remarkable Origins of Common Christmas Traditions"

From how Christmas itself came about to where Santa came from... another fantastic list by the fine folks at ListVerse!

Yule | Bing Crosby & David Bowie "Little Drummer Boy"

Yule | Rufus Thomas "I'll Be Your Santa, Baby"

Yule | They Might be Giants "Santa's Beard"

Yule | Walk of the Earth "Jingle Bell Rock"

Yule | Jimmy Fallon, Mariah Carey & The Roots "All I Want for Christmas"

Yule | Kinks "Father Christmas"

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Crazy Musician | Modern Day Jester live on the London Underground

So... a live busker performance by Modern Day Jester on-board a London Underground subway car. His twitter: @moderndayjester

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Just Crazy | Jonathan Mann & Ivory King "We've Got to Break Up"

Not gonna lie. This is a bit odd. After five years a couple decides to break up, and write a song to explain why to their friends and family, and post it on youTube.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Crazy Statistician | Andrew Walker "One day of activity..."

Brought to my attention some time ago by the ever-interesting Price Tags... Andrew Walker runs transit information through home-made custom software (based on a program for satellite-tracking software) to create a visualization of the transit activity of one day (4am to 4am) in a city. He started with Vancouver:

And recently came out with New York City.

Both are quite beautiful.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Crazy Band | Skydiggers "A Penny More"

One of the few bands I will actually leave a comment on... truly one of the great voices recorded, with music so suited as to be almost miraculous... the Skydiggers are Canadian Musical Gold. I spent a lot of time with their Road Radio album, and it is amazing in its depth and beauty.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Just Crazy | Oppa Gangnam "Westcoast" Style parody

This was all over the tubes a bunch of weeks back... I'm "future-posting" it because I didn't bother to watch it for a week or so after it first came out... and it's surprisingly really well done. Amazing job, and I honestly didn't expect that. I love being surprised by my community's incredible talent and skill, and can't give the folks that put this together enough props. Nice one!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Crazy Band | Len "It's My Neighbourhood"

Always the best in bubble-gum pop, Len ("Steal My Sunshine") is back with new tunes, looking forward to Summer 2013! (Shout-out to Ms. Sedun for the cameo...!)

Friday, October 26, 2012

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Funny Pages | Brad Guigar "Evil Inc."

A web-comic I've been reading for a while (and enjoying) has been Brad Guigar's Evil Inc.

It's about a corporation staffed by evil superheroes.

Unfortunately, the site also doesn't have any mechanism for embedding any of the strips, as far as I can tell. So check out the Evil Inc website.

Anyhoo. Mr. Guigar has tried his luck with stand-up comedy.

Monday, June 4, 2012

pong'd | SimCityEA Gamplay Trailer

I'm not going to lie: this is really exciting to me. I discovered the thrill of morphing game-simulation aspects into real-world theorizing a great many years ago... through the original SimCity. Coming February 2013!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Hell in a Handbasket | The Warlord Problem

By now quite a few people have seen the "Kony 2012" campaign, the Facebook, Twitter, YouTube meme by which Joseph Kony, war criminal and leader of the Lord's Resistance Army has been hefted into the internet limelight for the stated purpose of making him famous, to bring him to justice.

There are supporters and detractors on both sides of this issue. Much of the controversy revolves around the manipulative manner in which the subject is presented by the filmmakers, to elicit an emotional response rather than to offer good journalism.

To me, this is one of the most eloquent: Patrick Kigongo "Don't Reduce Uganda to a Meme." [good]

Mr. Kigongo writes with a healthy dose of skepticism (perhaps even resignation) that Mr. Kony's sudden noteriety will last within the Meme-Cycle to do more than scratch the surface of "American" apathy toward world events and injustices. I get the impression he feels Mr. Kony is littered across Facebook pages right now, but will quickly fall off the radar when the next 'cat-playing-saxifone' video hits the tubes.

He's probably quite right.

But the point is not that attention will shift from Mr. Kony to some other distraction, but that Mr. Kony, for a brief time, is in the consciousness of individuals previously unaware, and spoken of by individuals that perhaps didn't even know this sort of unacceptable behaviour still exists.

Though we may not agree on the method of delivery, I would like to think we can all agree that "this sort of thing" is unacceptable behaviour. Anywhere. By anyone.

A problem can only be solved by starting a discussion, and using this time to educate others as to what the problem is.

Because the problem is not Joseph Kony. We have to include practices in the DemRep Congo and other African nations, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front and other armed groups in the Phillipines, the... well, you get the idea... individuals within these and other groups are not necessarily even indicted by the International Criminal Court yet. But they should be. (Here's another GOOD article about who the "next 6 Konys" should be. [good])

And then, one by one, we should make a plan, if we are dedicated to avenging unacceptable behaviour in resolving conflict, to finding these individuals and bringing them to justice.

But before running off with righteousness we need to know what to do the day after that. The underlying problems that created the situation will still be there. What do we do to rehabilitate and re-introduce these children back into "normal" society?

And further questions of another line: is this our problem to solve, or are we over-simplifying the situation at the expense of African capability? The idea this may be little more than new round of "The White Man's Burden" has been circulating among the discussions.

The point of all this: take the controversial Kony 2012 video as the conversation-starter, and get into the conversation already under way. It's good to talk about things on a global basis, rather than regionalizing problems. But it's not like suddenly we know about this Joseph Kony guy, or that child-soldiers exist -- it's just that you do now. And that's a good thing. [UN]

Lucky B*shterd | Snow and Logging Truck

Sunday, March 11, 2012

pong'd | SimCity 5

EA and Maxis have announced SimCity 5 has been scheduled for a 2013 release. The SimCity series has been one of my all-time favourite simulation games. I've had many a thinkthoughtthunk while immersed in one iteration or another. And I started on the first release, back in 1989... great memories.

Here is a bit of discussion, with trailer at the beginning:

And here is the Trailer alone:

Wisdom | Horace

"Pale Death beats equally at the poor man's gate and at the palace of kings."

[project gutenberg]

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Satan Alert! | Amish Heat Surge Fireplace

Fine -- there may be Amish involvement in this, but it looks to basically be an electric fireplace with an "Amish-made" cabinet around it.

But first... the Amish are involved in selling an electric fireplace?! And second... if you watch the background of the workshop the cabinets are being built in, there are florescent lights in the ceiling, and the usual lit exit signs at the doors... again... electricity?

While I might say Wikipedia is not the definitive guide to All Things Amish, the article about Amish Furniture clearly says, "Amish beliefs prevent the use of electricity." While I can see the wiggle-room, it still seems a bit on the shadier side of grey.

But then again, perhaps things are not quite what popular imagination thinks the Amish are all about... here are two young Amish hoodlums road-racing...

Monday, February 13, 2012

Crazy Musician | Sherman Downey "Indifferences Lay Waiting"

Last month I was invited to see Sherman Downey & the Silver Lining play in sherin's living room when the boys were on their way back from their 2012 tour of Australia. An intimate venue, to say the least, and it was a fantastic time. I was introduced to this song, Indifferences Lay Waiting, sometime last year or so by SK:ff playing it on an acoustic guitar in the parking lot outside our studio. It's a great tune.

Thanks to REd for finding the video. If you like the tune, be sure to visit the Sherman Downey site.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Crazy Driver | Austrian Freeride Bicyclists

I can imagine why there is music overdubbed, rather than the original soundtrack -- the original soundtrack must've consisted of "...omigadomigadimgonnaDIEimgonnaDIEomigadomigad..."

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Goodbye 2011. Welcome, 2012.

As we say goodbye to 2011 and welcome 2012, here is David Attenborough reciting "Wonderful World" for the BBC.