Friday, November 1, 2013

Spiderweb Software "Avadon 2: The Corruption"

To be clear: I'm posting this without having yet purchased or played this game. But I am going to purchase and play this game, and you should too. I should clarify some more: if you are a story-driven gamer that "grew up" long enough ago that you recognize retro-style genius game-play and don't need total-immersion high-definition graphics to have an enjoyable experience... like me... you should purchase and play this game.

And for the record, you probably should purchase the other games Jeff Vogel of Spiderweb Software has available. The company was founded in 1994, and I played my first game of his -- Exile -- not long after. Whenever it was included on the (now defunct magazine) Mac Addict shareware CD, whichever issue it came with, was my first exposure.

Something was fishy, because I was hooked.

I even ordered one of the "tip books" that was available to help the ess-than-brighters among us (such as me) walk through the expansive game. Call me a fanboy if you will, but I'll wear the title unabashedly.

Back to the matter at hand: Avadon 2: The Corruption has been released.

Jeff talks a bit about the release in his (always entertaining) blog, The Bottom Feeder. [BF]

It's available from the Spiderweb Software store, the Mac Game Store, Steam, Gog... and probably elsewhere soon. [SSS][MGS][STEAM][GOG]

And in case you're not totally convinced, download the demo... these are always huge, and pretty much worth the asking price on their own!

For fun, here's the game trailer:

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