Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Floppy Drive Music: Ghostbusters! | Crazy Musician

A video of 64 floppy drives, 8 hard drives, and 2 scanners -- the Floppotron -- playing the theme for Game of Thrones has been making the rounds lately. In honour of the age-old geek-musical tradition of floppy drive music, as well as the release of the all-female version of the classic Ghostbusters movie, here is the Ghostbusters movie theme ("Who Ya Gonna Call?") on eight floppy drives, by MrSolidSnake745.

And since I absolutely do love floppy drive music... here is one of my favourite covers, of Radiohead, by James Houston. The hard drive array does an uncanny simulation of Thom Yorke's voice.

For an amazing catalogue of floppy drive music, visit MrSolidState745's YouTube page. He has constructed an amazing array of tunes, from the USSR Anthem to Pharrell's "Happy".

And a bonus... the Star Wars Imperial March.

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