Saturday, May 30, 2009

Dossier Z | Radiohead

First the first time ever, a Radiohead song has been used for an advertisement, for the Washington-based National Coalition for the Homeless.

And in a twist, before the release of their last album, Radiohead's management suggested the band break up. [PitchFork] [IrishTimes]

Finally, here's a behind-the-scenes clip from the USC Trojan Marching Band as they rehearse and prepare for their appearance with Radiohead at the 2009 Grammy Awards. (And for as long as it doesn't get taken down... a slide-show of the performance.)

While Pitchfork:News is reporting the Oxford boys to be in the process of recording a new album [pitchfork], according to a BBC interview with bassist Colin Greenwood. [BBC]

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