Sunday, May 31, 2009

useless mental tidbits | fantastic lists May09

The list of lists...

10 Scandalous Facts about Historical Figures [ListVerse]
Earthcam's 25 Most-Interesting WebCams of 2008 [CBC] [EarthCam]
Top 10 Ways to Save Money in a Recession [Lifehacker]
List of Translations for The Hobo Code [AContinuousLean]
10 Fascinating "Only-Existing" Photos [ListVerse]
11 Useful Tips for Setting Goals and Accomplishing Them [ DumbLittleMan]
How to De-Clutter an Entire Room in One Go [ZenHabits]
10 Privacy Settings Every facebook user Should Know [AllFacebook]
Ways to Save on your Water Bill [NotMadeofMoney] (Ed.: And enviro!)
7 Major "Missing Links" since Dawrin [NatlGeo]
Libraries using Different Web 2.0 Technologies [KraftyLibrarian]
15 Influential Early Works of Apocalyptic Fiction [ListVerse]
Financial Literacy Compendium [GetRichSlowly]
5 Ways to Stay Disciplined in Your Savings [NotMadeOfMoney]
50 Side-Businesses You Can Start on Your Own [SimpleDollar]
100 Really Creative Business Cards [WebdesignerDepot]
30 Most-Controversial Album Covers [NoiseAddicts]
1001 Rules for My Unborn Son [1001Rules] (Ed.: Great blog idea!)
Top 10 Incredible Time Capsules [ListVerse]
10 Most-Frequent Titles submitted to Virginia Quarterly Review [VQR]
11 Most-Endangered Historica Sites in U.S. [NatlGeo]
Top 10 Renewable Energy Sources [ListVerse]
Top 10 Hidden Images Found in Cartoons [ListVerse] (Ed.: Disney is Pervs)
15 Housing Projects From Hell [oobject]
100 Geeks to Follow on Twitter []
10 Fascinating Angels and Demons [ListVerse]
10 new Sitcoms meant to cure the Recession Blues [nyt]
7 Webotainers Worth Watching []

Pay the Ones You Love: Because the folks at ListVerse are so great at coming up with so many fascinating lists, please drop by this Amazon page and pre-order a copy of their Ultimate Book of Top Ten Lists, which is scheduled for publication in November, 2009.

And finally: Top 10 Star Trek Techno-Babbles:

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