Tuesday, December 29, 2009

headspace | Poker Faces

I'm starting to consider Lady Gaga as the most over-celebrated-under-respected artist of 2009. Too easily dismissed as another Made-By-Industry Cash-Cow, the depth of her music, and the spectacle she invents, is subsequently overlooked. I think she's actually a normal (as normal as any artist can be) person that likes to create an over-the-top circus act. Time will only tell if she has the depth to bring out quality products over a longer term, but she's definitely raised my opinion of her work this past year.

Some funny bits that relate to Lady Gaga... first... University of California at Berkley has an a cappela group called Noteworthy... and they performed this jewel:

And there is Christopher Walken doing a reading on Halloween:

And finally, the actual video.

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