Sunday, June 27, 2010

crazy band | OK Go "End Love"

Known for great videos, this one from OK Go delivers, as usual.
The fastest we go is 172,800x, compressing 24 hours of real time into a blazing 1/2 second. The slowest is 1/32x speed, stretching a mere 1/2 second of real time into a whopping 16 seconds. This gives us a fastest to slowest ratio of 5.5 million. If you like averages, the average speed up factor of the band dancing is 270x. In total we shot 18 hours of the band dancing and 192 hours of LA skyline timelapse – over a million frames of video – and compressed it all down to 4 minutes and 30 seconds! Oh and don’t forget, it’s one continuous camera shot.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Dossier Z | Metalocalypse

If you love cartoons... and who doesn't... and if you love comedy... and who doesn't... and you love norwegian death metal... and who... who... well, this is pretty funny.

Seriously have to thank jfrater over at ListVerse for highlighting this one, it's hilarious. And listen to the actual tune he puts as the sample tune: top-notch death metal. Seriously.

crazy musicians | Blockhead "The Music Scene"

This is a crazy video.

"The Music Scene" from Anthony Francisco Schepperd on Vimeo.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

crazy actor | Amy Walker, the accent girl

So... I'm pretty sure Amy Walker, if that is her real name, may or may not be 25, and is from somewhere on Earth, though perhaps not from anywhere in Africa or Asia. Or Antarctica.

In this video, Ms. Walker works her way through a list of accents, introducing herself over and over again.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

crazy musician | Opera Man, in Vancouver

It is always a treat to encounter Opera Man. He is usually walking somewhere in the vicinity of Granville and Broadway in Vancouver. This encounter was taped by CosmoCanuck, who kindly made it available on flickr.

Evil Genius | Vincent Ocasla

Vincent Ocasla spent four years running equations and cumputing on graph paper to build a totalitarian Sim City 3000 hellscape called Magnasanti. He grew a population of six million and maintained it for 50,000 in-game years. He claims to have beaten an otherwise unbeatable game. (Yes, yes, SimCity has no "winning" state... but as an analytical tool I've always seen the possibilities... and Vincent took the effort to explore the possibilities to their ultimate conclusion in totalitarian efficiency. Fantastic.)

Read the Vice story, there's a great interview with Vincent.
If anyone’s wondering, I am not autistic, or a savant, nor suffer from OCD, or suffer from any other form of clinical mental disease or illness for that matter.
Nicely put.

Thanks to kottke for bringing that one to my attention.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Crazy Musician | Adriano Celentano

Ok, this one is crazy and cool and out there: an Italian singer, Adriano Celentano wrote a song that sounds like English but is complete gibberish. It's what English sounds like to foreigners.

And it rocks, in a '70s-funk-blues sort of way. (The dude is in his '70s right now, so it may be from that era.)

Livin' Spaced | Go For Launch

Great slow-motion, or stop-motion, or whatever it's called... but it's the Space Shuttle moving from hangar to space in 3 minutes.

And here's the Apollo 11...

Apollo 11 Saturn V Launch (HD) Camera E-8 from Mark Gray on Vimeo.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Seth Godin on 'Quieting the Lizard Brain'

Seth Godin: Quieting the Lizard Brain from 99% on Vimeo.

"What you do for a living is not be creative, what you do is ship," says bestselling author Seth Godin, arguing that we must quiet our fearful "lizard brains" to avoid sabotaging projects just before we finally finish them.