Thursday, November 18, 2010

DeathWatch | Canadian Democracy

For the first time in history, the Canadian Senate (an unelected body) has voted down a bill previously passed by the Canadian Parliament (an elected body). [cbc]

The Canadian Prime Minister, Mr. Stephen Harper, has called for Senate reform before and since being elected, pledging to have members of Senate elected in much the same way as Members of Parliament are -- all the while filling empty Senate posts with allies of his Conservative Party.

Mr. Harper has claimed that Bill C-311, a climate change bill, was "a completely irresponsible bill."

The bill itself is a smokescreen, a distraction, and irrelevant to the underlying issue, which is of immense importance.

It is far more completely irresponsible to allow an unelected body the power to abolish the work put forth by a democratically-elected body. This used to be understood, and no longer seems to be.

We must tread carefully these next days and weeks going forward -- for Canada has taken a step on a path that often leads to revolution.

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