Saturday, November 13, 2010

Dossier C | Ants

A collection of information an a single topic of interest. This edition: Ants.

Worker Management Theory: Enslave strong enemies, not weak ones. [bbc]
Multi-cultural Studies: NYC is an ant "melting pot." [NatGeo]
Power Structure Studies: Ant colony behaviour and human projections of intent. [BostonReview]
Field Controversy: The thinking of E.O. Wilson. [IntelligentLife]
Population Studies: Living on top of an Argentine ant colony. [Esquire]
Transportation Development: The autobahn of ants. [economist][wired] [JEB]
Sensationalism Harnessing: Mega-colony rules Europe! [bbc]
Zombie Research: Flies create zombie ants for gestation. [NatGeo]
Stink Studies: Smell saves ants from being "buried alive". [NewScientist]
Reproduction Alternatives: All-female ant species clones self. [io9]

Communication Studies: How ant communitcate with each other.

Structural Review: Ant colony filled with concrete and excavated.

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