Tuesday, April 29, 2008

"and one blog shall rule them all..."

I hate beginnings almost as much as I hate endings. They're awkward. They're scary.

And I'm not sure if they matter. I mean, they have to happen, but... that's just existing in this space-time version of reality, isn't it? Stuff starts, stuff happens, and stuff ends. (Sometimes it even happens in that order, but that's an assertion for another time.) So here I am starting something.

I've started lots of things. I've finished way fewer, but I'm definitely pretty good at starting stuff. But then my laziness, my apathy, my easily-distracted attention gets the better of me, and I decide I'd rather be doing something else. Or I figure what I started isn't exactly the best form to accomplish what I thought I wanted to do, and I decide I'd rather be doing something else.

But let's not beat this beginning to death. Let's just say it's happened and move on.

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