Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Benevolent Prince

Everybody wants to change the world. It's been like that ever since humanity began thinking there was a "world" to change.

It's been said that to change the world one must become the change one wishes to see.

And yet, we speak of change in terms of revolution, as though the only true fix can come in a sudden and drastic overhaul, dictated from above. But let's speak of revolution later. For now, let's content ourselves with Change.

We are an instant-gratification society, and so we say change needs to happen now. But speed is not the way to build over the long term. We need to plant the seeds now that will change society in two or three generations, or more. (This is the key to why true change does not usually come from political circles. There needs to be a groundswell, a grassroots tipping-point, before politicians take notice and it becomes "official". Planting seeds does not win fame, or votes, in the immediate term.) Change rarely occurs within a moment, as far as we generally like to think. It occurs from a moment, yes, but after a minute and gradual shift from where it was to where it will be -- from a moment, but not in one.

So one must first come to terms with the conclusion that you will never live to see the world you have changed. The lesson to all that wish to change the world: make sure you don't care about change for yourself.

Instead be the change you wish to see. Let your legacy take care of itself.

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