Tuesday, April 29, 2008


For us, our anima statement is more than a mission statement... it comes from within, from the soul. We want to have more than a career.

Living is the career.

When we figured out we were putting together a form of business, this was the original Anima Statement:

"To build a world-leading omni-media corporation binding cutting-edge artistry in all forms to innovative business applications based on supporting the freedom of individual passion in a mutually-supportive environment."

That meant allowing individuals to follow their artistic passion, be it in music, writing, graphic design, web design, film, clothing design, marketing and sales or architecture or whatever... and coordinating each to each other for mutual support and collective advantage.

Of course, I am also a special type of crazy, and we are not Microsoft or Martha Stewart. The sentiment of collaborative support is nice, but completely unworkable given my reclusive nature and personal peculiarities. One needs to meet people, talk about mutual interests, discuss cross-pollinating projects, and keep things together on an ongoing basis.

Given that, I'm inclined to say our anima statement is more along these lines:

To stand united together as the couple we are, do what we want when we want, be honest and moral in our dealings with others, not care about what others think, and keep on keeping on.

I'm sure I'll think of more as we go on...

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