Saturday, September 6, 2008

Daily Shizu (neither a daily nor a shizu)

University of Victoria professor releases book to show it is possible for someone to become "a superhero" along the lines of Batman, with proper training and resources. The Caveat: don't count on a long career.

Here's a list of fictional films that have been referenced in Seinfeld.

If you're looking for a problem to solve, here's a list of unsolved problems.

It was nice to see, a while back, that U.S. President George W. Bush finally got some time to get back to an old hobby of his from when he was Governor of Texas: approving executions. And while we're on the subject, here's a piece on how the President and delegation were briefed on how to talk Canadian, eh?

But here's a really interesting post from "Google Blogoscoped" with an overview of H.G. Wells writing in 1936 about the "World Brain". Fascinating and relevant.

Here's how to print topographical maps. Here's a website about ampersands. And here's a web-comic that is very odd, called xkcd... best line so far: "Those of you who know their periodic tables should be laughing right now."

Here's a site where you upload a headshot of yourself and it shows "your" yearbook photos going back to the 1950s...

And here's a pdf download about "How to be a good intern", though it works for how to be good in any organization.

And the latest Big Problem: tanorexia... apparently tanning is addictive...

Greek Pagans held a ceremony at the Acropolis for the first time in centuries... to protest against a new museum.

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