Friday, September 19, 2008

Daily Shizu (neither a daily nor a shizu)

And so it goes. My mind, I mean, it seems, of course. The ongoing collection of the shifting curiosities of my life continues.

I never go to this, but here's the schedule for CITR's battle of the bands: Shindig.

Vancity Buzz (one of my favourite Vancouver blogs) did a great write-up on Zulu Records as part of their small business reviews. (Zulu Records website is here.)

The Georgia Straight has a good article about several issues surrounding biking in Vancouver.

Cirque "too busy" to produce anything for the 2010 Olympics. Or is it after they saw the spectacle put on this year for 2008 they didn't want to put themselves out on the global stage and suck...? Best "chicken" sound written: bwock-bwock-bwock...

Arthur Griffiths, former owner of the Canucks, enters provincial politics by planning to run for MLA as the Liberal Candidate of Vancouver Burrard. This riding is currently held by Lorne Mayencourt (NDP) who won the riding in the last election by 14 votes. (Tyee Hook)

Molson celebrated the 50th anniversary of their Burrard Street brewery. It actually opened in 1953 as a Sick's Capilano Brewery, but Molson acquired it in the fall of 1958. (Van Sun)

Erick Villagomez of re:place Magazine has a fascinating article about Vancouver's east-west streets. Be sure to open up the map graphic. (re:place Magazine)

Small towns in the interior of B.C. are turning to art as commerce. (Tyee)

A city in Israel is using DNA analysis of dog droppings to find and fine citizens that do not pick up after their animals. (Van Sun)

Let's get political for a moment. What's the Matter with Canada by Christopher Flavelle for Slate Magazine. What Makes People Vote Republican by Jonathan Haidt for Edge. I extrapolate this to the wider social realm: The 8 Most Obnoxious Internet Commenters by Toby Francis for Cracked. Explore your morals. Then explore The Undecided, which will assist you in trying to find your political leaning.

Homelessness, poverty, and affordable housing tops the concerns list for Vancouver citizens. Transportation issues tops the concerns list for Vancouver businesses. (Van Sun)

And I have to mention: nobody saw this coming? Dana Larson briefly becomes the Federal New Democrat candidate in the West Vancouver-Sunshine Coast, and then resigns over his position on substance use. (CBC) The Straight calls it prohibition.

Finally, a cool Kottle-find about where crayons come from.

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