Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Daily Shizu, Pt. II (neither a daily nor a shizu)

Up to six cups a day of coffee won't kill you early, says study.

Shelter is a right, and Victoria's homeless should be able to tent in public parks if there are no shelter spaces available, argues lawyer. What next? The right to food? Or clothing? C'mon!

"Probe" announces one-third of people shot by Tasers require medical attention. Conservative Rubber Glove announces three-thirds of people shot by firearms require medical attention.

A simplified-living challenge: to whittle your possessions down to 100 items... here's a Time Magazine story about such downsizers.

Top of Mars may have been stuck by a big asteroid.

Photos of rice-paddy art.

And the next big porn craze: airport scanner nudity. (I think I'm on the cutting edge of this craze... that I hope never comes true...)

And the tombstone of Ian Curtis, lead singer of Joy Division, was stolen.

And this just in: early gadget buyers are "arrogant". Huh. No way.

And the Left-Handed Conspiracy... Operation: The White House (Again).

There's a secret vault that contains all the Lego sets in history.

In case you're worried about the sky falling, here's a site that tracks satellites and shuttles.

But it's the ones you don't know about that will be the problem... and here I'm talking about asteroids falling into the Earth...

And finally for this round-up of back-logged tidbitting... in honour of the Start of School, here's an item from the guys at Google suggesting some educational thoughts for learners everywhere... basically a "what we look for in an employee" blurb, but interesting in general.

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