Friday, October 10, 2008

Daily Shizu (neither a daily, nor a shizu)

After finding out one-in-four species on Earth is in danger of extinction (CBC), there is finally some good news... or "good news" at least for this bug that can survive as the only organism in the ecosystem. (Wired) For the people that want to do something for the environment, how about helping reduce bottled water? (No Impact Man)

And finally a story to print out and pass along to all your friends, co-workers, and political representatives: there's a downward trend for paper-use by white-collar workers, though it's still too early to say we're on the way to a "paper-less office" like they were predicting back in the 1960s. (Economist)

The "credit crunch" is being trotted out as the latest threat to wipe out the burgeoning "green energy industry" as the money runs out for speculating on avenues of development. (FP)

Speaking of development: BC's green building codes come into effect! (Van Reflections)

Thank goodness the price of gas is going down in British Columbia. (CBC) And the BC Government is passing out more carbon-tax dividend cheques. (Van Sun)

Further to the Credit Crunch: the banks in Canada are ranked the soundest in the world. The only thing sounder: that jar under my mattress. It puts my back out, but I sleep like a spinally-deformed baby. (CBC)

Enough about all the different ways one can cook cat-food for dinner during retirement... let's talk federal politics. If you're not sure where you're political sensitivities lie, or even if you do, there are some good sites out there to try to review your leaning. Try The Undecided for party lines, FireAndIce for social outlook across North America, and finally Elections Canada to review the voting requirements. (Hint: Bring either (a) your driver's license, or (b) both your SIN card and Care Card. There are lots of folks worked up about this for some reason, but the vast majority of people will have no problem and need not freak out!)

Not that it really matters. Apparently we are slowly giving up our sovereignty and integrating further into the United States. Best line: We don't need "duplicate systems of approval," says VP of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. (Tyee) (I'm sure Canadian homeowners would love the same "approval systems" as their American counter-parts that are now losing their homes...)

And from the "always-a-bridesmaid" file: Canada declares its intent/desire to change the make-up of the UN Security Council, but politely doesn't mention itself as a candidate. (Van Sun) Too bad we were passed out under the dessert table and missed the bouquet-toss.

Closer to home, take a look at the renewal of Stanley Park's Prospect Point, which was severely damaged in the storms of last year. (Price Tags)

Enough. Here's a video of "Take On Me" by A-Ha that's been re-done so the lyrics are a literal reflection of what's happening in the video.

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