Thursday, October 30, 2008

Daily Shizu (neither a daily nor a shizu)

I lose focus every so often. I second-guess. (Or decide I need to first-guess, instead of just merrily stumbling along.) So things slow down. Things pile up. I wonder if I'm doing the best that can be done, and think in circles. I research, I read, and I ponder. Right now I'm wondering about blogs... so here's a good essay about what makes for a "good" blog. (43folders)

But let's get to some random tidbits that have distracted me.

Thank you for not breeding: As one of the major environmental problems facing our world is population growth, organizations like the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement may be an idea that is coming into its own. And it makes a great punch-line if you're one of those couples that have no children, but family and friends inevitably ask, "So... are you going to have kids...?" (CBC)

On a related note, since children are also a huge time-suck, those of us abstaining are going to have a lot more time for other activities. For me, that means web-surfing even more. I think a primer on OpenID is needed. (Webmonkey) Then, after that, I'll use the web to END POVERTY. You heard me. (Wired)

Or, if you're into the old-fashioned analog notebooks, here's a cool idea: the Muji Chronotebook. (Jack Cheng) Thanks to for finding that one! Another kottke data-mining gem: the 25 best news photos, as determined by Vanity Fair. It should be noted that these are NEWS photos, and several may not be considered appropriate for children, such as the self-immolation of Buddhist monks in Vietnam.... (Vanity Fair)

Diburros had an idea for a graphic novel that hasn't been picked up: Smurf Wars. Need I even use the word brilliant? Thanks to the Vancouverite for finding this!

Some interesting lists:
100 Skills Every Man Should Know. (Popular Mechanics)
30 Skills for Women (Frisky)
and from the afore-mentioned PM article: Skills to Teach Children. (Popular Mechanics)

And Britain recently released some UFO documents. (CBC) Which ties in nicely with this: a nearby solar system looks like ours did when life formed... which means it may very well be habitable. (Wired)

A television note: The November 13 episode of The Office has Michael Scott on a business trip... to Winnipeg. (Though actually shot in Los Angeles...) (CBC)

I just have to say: when I think "got to buy groceries" the first thing that comes to mind is... Canadian Tire...?! (CanBusiness)

Let's end with the animated version of Where The Wild Things Are from 1973, which was recently found and posted by Cameron Reed at Only Magazine.

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