Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Apologist, or, It can't always be heavy...

In case it isn't obvious, I've been trying to run through haphazard descriptions or introductions of the labels that I think would be used by abomb&thecorpse bloggin'. But it all goes back to that shakey-beginning phase: everything feels disjointed because there's no body of work to refer to. And so far things have seemed a little... deep.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a round of deepness now and again... and I admit I stray into the internal depths (usually for the worse, which I apologize for in advance) quite often... but there's a caveat in this practice when it comes to actual day-to-day activity, which is the Paralysis of Grandeur. In other words, if one starts to feel like their thoughts and opinions have to be "worthy" for wider dissemination, one will likely never utter a peep.

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