Thursday, May 1, 2008

Machiavelli and Me

Growing up in western society, I would do almost anything to bring the world to its knees before me. Growing up on a farm outside a small town in the interior of British Columbia, I would do almost anything to make everyone in the world comfortably wealthy, healthy, and happy. It is a difficult thing to be pulled in different directions at once, to hold unbridled ambition in one hand and a longing for peace and love in the other. I want to be the richest and most powerful person on the face of the earth... but I want everybody else to be, too.

I have long considered what sort of life I would like to build, what sort of world I would like to live in, what sort of activity and pasttimes I would like to participate in, and what sort of people I would like to surround myself and collaborate with. I have decided I am neither a Capitalist or a Communist or an Anarchist. I'm bits of it all, I think. I don't know what ideology I fully subscribe to. The closest label I can think of is Cottagist, and I sure as hell know that's not a word.

Is it possible for someone to believe they are at the beginning of a socio-economic revolution?

Ideas change the world. I don't know if this one will, or if it should. I certainly know that I don't care, and I just keep on keeping on, and tossing them out there.

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