Sunday, May 25, 2008

Which of my faces do you want?

I struggle with many things. I'm sure I'll go through most of them. (I usually do, even if I don't write them down.)

Today it is the conflict between involvement and appeasement. Does one speak their mind or just go with the flow? Is it better to risk opposition or to push opinion? Does one perpetuate the status quo or attempt to change the world?

My problem with pushing opinion is that I am never as well-informed as I would like to be in making decisions. But I'm not convinced one ever is. I am coming to fear that most politicians pick their favourite stand and just go with it hoping their instinct is worthy.

I was watching the trees outside my backyard today, and was reminded of the African savanna. The UN is reporting that armed bandits are displacing tens of thousands of people from their homes in central Africa. Sitting in the backyard of my North American home, sipping my Corona beer and watching the sun set, I find it difficult to imagine the idea of vacating and fleeing from "armed bandits".

I began to realize the wisdom of the idea that "ignorance is bliss."

In considering the state of the world, I am left with futility and frustration. We concern ourselves when heritage buildings are threatened, but we are oblivious to the fact that children are living in refugee camps, are hungry. We concern ourselves with removing decades-old trees during re-paving, but armed bandits are forcing families from their farms.

Which face do you want? Why should I not "turtle up" and remove myself from society in whole? Is not ignorance bliss?

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