Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Lollards of the Future, Unite! or: Another useless mental tidbit I found today

Lollary on Wikipedia
The Twelve Conclusions of the Lollards

A political and religious movement from the mid-14th century through to the English Reformation, supposedly evolved from the teachings of Jean Wycliffe, but likely older.

Some of their points: Piety was a requirement of a "true" priest, or to perform the sacrament, and that a pious layman had power to perform such rites. Authority of scripture over priests. The concept of the "Church of the Saved," meaning that Christ's true Church was the community of the faithful, which overlapped with but was not the same as the official Church of Rome. Apostolic poverty and taxation of church property. A form of predestination, and differences in transubstantiation. An interesting one: they "stated that the Catholic Church had been corrupted by temporal matters and that its claim to be the true church was not justified by its heredity."

They were persecuted, and burned as heretics. And now the word means people that are fat and lazy lying beggars, or worse.

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