Friday, June 6, 2008

2nd Annual Tour de Blintz

The Jewish Museum & Archives of BC and the Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition present

The 2nd Annual Tour de Blintz: A culinary tour by bicycle of Greater Vancouver’s Jewish restaurants, bakeries and delicatessens.

What could be better (or more quintessentially Vancouver) than a leisurely ride along the city’s beautiful bikeways and biways, stopping frequently for top-notch food and hospitality at a number of fine Jewish eateries?

There are two tours to choose from:

Sunday June 8 the route is approximately 45 kilometers, and there are 6 stops to eat. The tour begins at 9:30 am and wraps up at 3:30 pm. Cost is $30

Sunday June 15 the route is approximately 75 kilometers and there are 7 stops. This one is a little more challenging, and runs from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Cost is $35

In both cases the pace is relaxed, and the focus is on good conversation, making new friends, having some laughs, and enjoying great food and drink. Speed demons may need to strap some bricks to their feet, as we are not planning to set any records (except possibly for calories consumed!)

Participating eateries:

Enigma Restaurant
Garden City Bakery
Mount Royal Bagel Factory
Nava Creative Kosher Cuisine
Omnitsky Kosher Delicatessen
Siegel’s Bagels
Solly’s Bagelry

Price includes all food and beverage, plus a Greater Vancouver Cycling Guide and Map, courtesy of Translink.

The Tour de Blintz is an official Bike Month event.

To register or for more information contact: Greg Robinson, Education Coordinator, or 604-638-7288

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