Thursday, June 12, 2008

Daily Shizu (neither a daily, nor a shizu)

From the News-Release-Today-For-Tomorrow's-Event department: in case you hadn't heard, this weekend in British Columbia you can fish without buying a license (some conditions apply).
Again: a BILLION-dollars-a-year industry that isn't taxed?! Oh, and favourite quote from this one: "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away."

The fate of the Hollow Tree in Stanley Park is still in the news. It can be saved, but NPA side of the Parks Board don't care.

Let's see... a nut-job kills a dude after talking to him for three hours in a school-yard after dude shows nut-job a masonic handshake... I'm confused, will Tom Hanks play the dude or the nut-job?

Who doesn't love a unicorn?

The take-away point: Only 45% of crashes involving golf carts actually occur on golf courses. And you should wear a helmet if you drive your golf cart around the neighbourhood.

Indie-band Major Maker wins prize at NXNE. Nice looking site. I thought this song was from Oasis when I heard it on that TV commercial.

Here's an article about the new Canadian Copyright Controversy. I just like how the photo the CBC uses makes Jim Prentice look like he's doing a variation on the Nazi "Heil Hitler" salute.

Shower curtain smell is toxic? Crap. Now I have to go back to huffing gas from a paper bag.

Wow. This designer created a scavenger hunt for a family's renovation, based around a poem written by the father.

All I can say is: thank goodness none of this took place in a golf cart. Pretty funny satire about driving with a cell phone, and that California's cell-phone law doesn't kick in until July 1. (At least California HAS a cell-phone-while-driving law.)

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