Sunday, June 1, 2008

Somewhere between Caesar and Diogenes

It's little wonder that my career aspiration is "full-time recluse."

I can no longer tell if I am a philosopher or the village idiot. After all, both are really the same thing.

Luckily I've never been a believer in labels.


But on to different things, and introductions for the future:

I have a friend with which all conversation inevitably spirals into a discussion about the state of the world, the nuances of political or economic ideals within modern society, and how the world is out of whack. (In his defence, I think it's my fault we always seem to head for deeper waters. I think he is one of those special people that latch on to others' basic traits, for the sake of social conversation, and ride that wherever it happens to lead... unfortunately, mine usually leads toward an abyss of one sort or another.)

He believes himself to be an anarchist, while I carry the banner for benevolent monarchy. Either way, we have files at CSIS. (He is an optimist in human nature, even in anarchy, so from here on, if I refer to him, will be called Hart.)


Back to the world out of whack: I always remember that Theo Geisel said that to see the world out of whack, one must see how the world can be in whack.

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