Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Daily Shizu (neither a daily, nor a shizu)


Great write-up by Maureen Dowd in her Jun 10 City States column from the Sun dissecting the Sam-plosion.

Slamming Vancouver in the Globe and Mail, yawn. Slamming Vancouver in the Globe and Mail while calling Sam Sullivan a popular mayor: novel! I respectfully disagree with John Barber's Jun 11 column on why Vancouver sucks, despite always being voted near the top of the best places to live in the world. We have way many other ways to suck. But whoever he's polling that told him Sam was "popular" didn't talk to ANYBODY that I know. As for the "throwback" political system, I advocate monarchy.

Global warming is ruining our pot! My two favourite points... One: "Obviously, the demand will still be there." Two: Estimates are that the pot industry in B.C. is worth about A BILLION DOLLARS annually. And we're not legalizing and taxing this why? (Oh yes, punitive measures against Chinese people in the early 1900s, if I recall correctly.) Second worst scenario to this crowd: the price of Birkenstocks doubles.

Cab fares in Vancouver will rise. Another "temporary tax" that will never be un-temporaried.

OMG! Trev is retiring from the Canucks?! And The Theme is no longer with HNC on CBC? What next?! Is Gretzky charged with dog fighting? Is Orr accused of steroid use? Does Bob Cole have a sore throat? Lord have mercy!

Public Notice: Transition to 10-digit dialling begins June 23, 2008. And here's the scoop.


All I can say is that Julie Couillard is the hardest working hoochie in Ottawa. Except for the Harpie, of course... I mean, look'et thems "cum-take-me" eyes...


What?! Christians and Muslims living side-by-side in peace?! I guess there was a big falling out when Amy Winehouse said she wasn't going to go. (Uh... the story refers to Rihab... in Jordan...)

Only in Bolivia would they allow 16-22 year-olds to dress up in flammable suits without adequate peripheral vision and send them out to play in traffic... all under the guise of "helping people cross the street."

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