Sunday, November 9, 2008

2008 Vancouver Civic Election round-up

It's great that Shaw Cable has given time for each candidate in the civic elections of the region to describe their political positions. There are a few crazies out there. The unexpected part is that a several are incumbents.

But to some issues that are circulating the Vancouver race: On his ever-name-changing blog, David Eby reviews a few of the stories about the $100 million back-room guarantee deal to save the Olympic village development. Great title to his post: Vancouver going to hell in Olympic-sized handbasket. Even David Berner agrees that citizens deserve answers to "villagegate".

I just have to point this part out: the controversy resides around unknown concerns to this guarantee from the City's Director of Finance who may (according to Robertson) have been fired or resigned from the City, or may (according to Ladner) be on a regularly-scheduled annual vacation... conveniently returning to Vancouver the day after the election, on November 16th! (CTV)

The Georgia Straight has an interesting review of the "Creative City Cabaret", in which Vancouver's mayoral hopefuls performed in a talent show. If for nothing else, it's an interesting illustration of some of the "crazy" mentioned as being on display on Shaw Cable. (Georgia Straight) And another review, this time by Francis Bula, on the Last Candidate Standing event, which Geri Tramutola won. (Bula)

And based on the Last Candidate Standing results, and my opinion of the afore-mentioned two-minute Shaw Cable ad, Geri Tramutola is now officially added to my "Vote For" list. Only nine more Council candidates to decide on!

1 comment:

  1. I would agree if Geri Tramutola was a Vancouver Elector and not a Burnaby elector. She speaks well for a party who speaks badly for itself having to parachute people in.
    Some WLP and Independents have my eye:
    I keep it current as my conscientious mind gets more info.

    It's ironic a guy like me is a Liberal Guilt snub, you'd think my non-western european grown up a "special needs" as a severely learning disabled child to a mildly adult with epileptic symptoms and height that makes bus sitting hard with an odd name would make me a liberal guilt must.
    Oddly enough, they no doubt hate me after a misunderstood joke, really how does someone not know a comedian makes a character of himself, in many cases an example of the best and worse of man kind. No sacred cows, they tend to messed up.
    The Cabaret writers all missed the poor audiences questions, worse of all.
    What I realize is that unless we are tossing Tea in the Harbour why the Orator? I'd love to do that sort of thing as a stunt. None-the-less, sometimes a good Orator (like Patrick Henry) isn't the best or the worse of the bunch, but not on the balance or average. Too memorized for office, not for a spokesman though, great for that.

    Geri'd make a wonderful press secretary.

    Gölök Z Buday
    "He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself." -- Thomas Paine


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