Thursday, November 13, 2008

Vancouver Civic Election 2008

As a true non-partisan (meaning that I am not politically affiliated with any particular party or candidate, unlike how the term has been usurped by the you-know-who party), I have to admit I have no idea how best to vote in this weekend's civic election in Vancouver. It's been an election circus. So, mostly just to help me review the facts, I offer here some of the info-threads that have caught my attention of late. It is by no means comprehensive, and unlikely to be of much use in deciding. (Just to toot my own horn.)

Public Service Section:

City of Vancouver Election Centre.
Profiles of Mayoral Candidates.
Profiles of Council Candidates.
Profiles of School Board Candidates.
Profiles of Parks Board Candidates.
CBC's Civic Vote 2008 special feature.
Georgia Straight's site has ShawTV Profiles!
CoV's Voting Place Search Tool.

Some of the Issues:

Many of these stories are full of links to explore...
The Pantages Theatre issue. (Bula)
The Burrard Street Bicycle issue. (CBC) (CTV)
The Olympic Village issue. (TyeeHook) (Bula)
The former-Mayors on Olympic Village. (TyeeHook)
The Estelle Lo issue. (Straight) (Straight)
City Staff getting pulled into the fray. (Bula)
The inevitable investigation of Olympic Village. (TyeeHook) (CBC)
And Pivot Legal's take on the Olympic Village. (Straight)
And... lie detectors? (CTV) (CBC)
And lastly, from the fire-starter. (Mason on G&M)
"Dirty Tricks" says Van Sun. (VanSun)
"Bump in the night" says van Sun. (VanSun)
Last Candidate Standing. (re:place)
School Board...? (TyeeHook)
The (loss of) EcoDensity issue. (CTV)
The Zero Waste incinerators issue. (Straight)
The "CAR 87" issue. (DTES Enquirer)
The Straight Slate. (Straight)
Upper Kits Residents Association suggests slate. (

A final word from Francis Bula, on what happens after the vote. (CTV)

And my final word: I still don't know who exactly to vote for. But I am afraid. Very afraid.

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