Sunday, November 16, 2008

2008 Vancouver Civic Election round-up

First, head over to the City of Vancouver's election summary page. (CoV) It includes a fantastic map showing how each Voting Division in the city swung, either behind Ladner or Robertson. And the good folks at chat about the results a little. (

Two quick tidbits:

Jamie Lee Hamilton says she will not run for civic election again. (Straight)

Ken Clement has become Vancouver's first aboriginal politician elected to office, for the School Board. (Straight)

And there had been speculation that Robertson may have been riding enough of a tidal wave of popularity to break through the 100,000 vote barrier. (Straight) Philip Owen won with 51,085 votes in 1999, Larry Campbell won with 80,772 in 2002, and Sam Sullivan won with 61,543 in 2005. Robertson won with 67,598.

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