Friday, November 21, 2008

Not quite dead yet.

It's the nature of my life that I happen to have quite a few "imminent-end-of-the-world apocalypto-at-any-moment" types within close circles. Like folks that surround themselves with "uglier-than-themselves" friends because they think it makes them look more beautiful, I often wonder if this is my mind's sub-conscious effort to make myself appear... how shall I say... more normal...? It's a high order.

Regardless, as usual I bounce between two sides.

On one, those EoW types frustrate me, because they usually couch their arguments in religion or conspiracy when really it's just common sense that the times are a'gonna change sooner or later. After all, until we start moving into collecting extraterrestrial resources (and even then, just moved into time-frames we can't imagine yet), we are confined to a finite system, with only so much that can be gathered or created. Sooner or later things will end as the resources needed to continue are depleted and exhausted.

I think the collapse of the auto industry is an adequate illustration of this principle. As usual, nobody planned the transition, and instead of evolving smoothly into something that can sustain itself for a while longer in a different form, nothing changes until backs are to the wall and the smell of panic hits the air(waves). I mean, I could've started predicting the end of the petro-based auto industry before the first Ford rolled off the line, but it wouldn't have made me a prophet.

(I don't want to seem unsympathetic to the situation so many people are now facing: it's terrible. My point is simply in regards to planning ahead for major problems. But that would include "someone" taking responsibility of a situation that (a) is a long ways away, (b) debatable in causes and solutions, and (c) contains amorphous suspects as to actual responsibility. These combine so "blame" is spread too thin for anyone to actually need to step in and solve the problem until it's boiling over. If the problem is international, like global warming, the consequences become exponentially cataclysmic.)

The other side of the EoW types point is compelling. I am, after all, an accomplished procrastinator, and an imminent apocalypse is the best excuse ever.

Do the dishes? Why bother. The world is ending any moment.

Anyhoo. Here are some interesting stories I've noticed lately.

Instead of still feeling guilty, pat yourself on the back for using those aerosol deodorant cans in the '80s: a new ice age had been predicted, but global warming will hold it off indefinitely! Job well done, everyone! (NatlGeo)

New threat: brown clouds over Asia, making the skies darker and throwing weather systems into further extremes. On the up-side, this reflects the sun's rays enough to cool the earth's surface, masking the effect of global warming. I'm confused. Does this mean Asia is in for a brown-ice age? (CBC)

Remember the Russia-Georgia Conflict? Everyone was to blame. Effectively therefore: no one was to blame. (NYT) Yet, there was a chance it all could have been avoided, and right now relations with Russia could be less adversarial. (CdnBusi) Yet, a spy has been passing NATO secrets to the Russians for a while... (CBC)

Here's an interesting article about how neither Communism nor Capitalism actually work in pure form. Communism needs free markets... Capitalism needs regulation... (Tyee)

And if history is any indicator (hint: it is), things are not looking good on this whole Peace Movement thing. The grave of the earliest known nuclear family has been located. Unfortunately, they died violently. (NatlGeo)

Some military tidbits: Given the number of attacks within Pakistan, despite their public objections, I suspect The Terror War has shifted into Pakistan as well. (NYT) And USB drives have been banned due to Worm Attack. (wired) And then there's that whole Piracy thing. But pirates take note: don't mess with Islamic ships, because ships belonging to Muslim countries should not be seized. (CBC)

But let's get to some serious news. Like a possible alien invasion in Canada. "Meteorite" my ass. (CTV) (CTV) Where's my tinfoil hat? (Maybe here...)

Mad scientist alert: DARPA plans to create flying cars. Crap. How much will that bail-out cost? (wired) Good seque to some auto company propoganda.

Let's get closer to home. Who owns Genesis Security? (DavidEby)

I think I'm just going to stay inside and watch more TV. Like that's possible. I have so many screens in my warroom I could probably cook a turkey. Hmm. Some would argue I already am. (CBC)

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