Friday, November 7, 2008

Vancouver round-up

Here's some of what I've glanced at over the last while...

A new ground-penetrating device is assisting UBC researchers in finding the graves of missing First Nations ancestors. (UBC Reports)

Vancouver's obscurest election may get an "historic" 1,000 voters this year... while one of the candidates for Director of Electoral Area A says "you couldn't write a better farce." If you live around UBC, you should find out more. (Tyee)

Gordon Price of Price Tags says tonight's all-candidates debate, Last Candidate Standing, will be like politics and theatre all rolled into one. Isn't it already? That aside, tonight does looks interesting: they're going to have musicians and performance artists between rounds. (Price Tags)

Not another bleeding-heart cry-baby group yapping about minimum wage... and in fact, it certainly doesn't seem so: Business in Vancouver is calling on the municipal candidates to make Vancouver a "living wage city." In Vancouver that means a minimum wage of $16.74 an hour. (BiV) I'm guessing Peter Ladner is no longer intimately involved in BiV...? I only say so because this seems like a good idea and will energize the hourly-wage demographic to support the candidate that supports this measure... so if he's behind it he really should be shouting it from the rooftops. (Except around developers or other biz-owner-type folks, I guess...)

Vancouver has decided to go ahead with a trial of the laneway housing development idea. (CBC) Re:Place Mag has a good breakdown and update on the particulars. (re:place)

Plans for revitalization around the BC Place area have been released. (CBC) It includes a new roof for BC Place, a new Art Gallery, and more residential, retail and office space.

Metro Vancouver board members (see that Electoral Area A item above...?) voted unanimously to send a letter endorsing the position that UBC Farms retain its current 24-hectare footprint. (Georgia Straight)

Local poetico Ben Hart's review of Lee Henderson's The Man Game. (Tyee)

More back-and-forth blah blah about the "bikes on Burrard" issue. (Georgia Straight)

And in honour of honour, please get yourself one of those nice new sticker-poppies. (CBC)

And you may know that Vancouver sold some of our old trolly-buses to Argentina. Here's a video from the Buzzer blog showing one of the trolleys being lifted onto a shipping freighter. The original post has a great write-up, and additional photos and videos. (Buzzer)

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