Thursday, January 22, 2009

Benevolent Prince | Trickle-Down Recycling

== Summary == Universal recycling symbol outli...Image via WikipediaA post by Raul at Hummingbird604 started me thinking about how trickle-down economics is really just political rhetoric for tax cuts. The post was about recycling, which, of course, is a long way off from economics. But the theory of trickle-down, where those with too much pass along "something" to those with less, is to me a concept humanity already is familiar with. I mean, haven't most families been using this concept for generations...? We call them hand-me downs.

It doesn't work so well for items with only conceptual basis, such as money, apparently. Nobody seems to want to just "hand-me-down" some cash without some sort of artificial lever or consideration, like "tax cuts". (Unless you consider my own "Cottagist Anima" which has never yet been spoken of. And shan't be just yet.) But what about "trickle-down" recycling?

(I know, it already exists. But "trickle-down" recycling sounds much sexier than what goes on every day at the local thrift store, wouldn't you say...? Maybe it's time for a "re-branding" of the concept...)

"Hand-me-down" on wikipedia.

The point that got me thinking about it was Raul points out that BC Digital Divide will give donated computers to impovershed recipients. (H.604)

And check out the Electronic Recycling Association of Canada. (era) And the Vancouver page of the ERA site. (eraVan)

And according to this story in the CBC, will show people where to recycle their cell in cities across Canada. (Here's the in-depth look at the cell-recycling issue. (cbc)

For a quick look at what other countries around the world are doing to curb their economic impact, check out this Good article. (good) My favourites: kick the oil habit, save the trees, and increase no-fishing zones along the coastline.

And finally, the best recycling program is the one that doesn't hae to start in the first place... Good brings us a list of five Anti-Consumer Groups... because the best way to save the planet is to reduce one's usage of something to nothing, if possible. (good)
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