Tuesday, January 6, 2009

citiZEN | Vancouver

The first thing to do is give a tip of the hat to Old Man Winter, who has been knocking these parts around for the better bit of a few weeks now. I think I've heard the word snowmageddon more times than I care to admit. There are a lot of people that went from thinking it was pretty, and lovely to have around during the Traditional Western-Culture Holiday Season that is popularly referred to as "Christmas", to really wishing it would hurry up and melt and allow us to get back to our first love (being driving). Urban Vancouver has some good photos. (UV Pt1) (UV Pt2)

And check this out: during the snowstorm, somebody in Seattle created these snow-sculptures on the windows of parked vehicles. Amazing! (wooster)

Onward. One of the opponents taking on Premier Gordon Campbell in the upcoming Provincial election will be Mel Lehan, punching in for the NDP ticket. (straight)

Lastly, we know you've been waiting all year for this to come back: the 2009 Vancouver Taboo Sex Show will be at the Convention & Exhibition Centre from January 15-18. Tickets are $20 at the door or can be purchased online. (vanBuzz)

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