Thursday, January 15, 2009

People We Outlived | Khan and Number Six

This will be a short post. I have to go to bed and cry myself to sleep.

The star of the '70s-era hit television program Fantasy Island, Ricardo Montalban, is dead at the age of 88. (He may be more familiar to some as the reason for William Shatner's most-famous-Kirk-scream: the Star Trek villian Khan Noonien Singh. Khaaaaannnnnnn!!!)

The CBC write-up is here.
The wired write-up is here.
And his bio on wikipedia.
And his entry in IMDB.

Ricardo Montalban's  chest

And, if that all were not bad enough.

The star of the '60s-era George-Orwell-meets-Timothy-Leary-meets-Franz-Kafka television program The Prisoner, Patrick McGoohan, is dead at the age of 80.

The CBC write up is here.
The wired write-up is here.
And his bio on wikipedia.
And his entry in IMDB.

Patrick McGoohan

Be seeing you.

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