Monday, January 19, 2009

Hell in a Handbasket | 50mt "Tsar Bomba"

Abolish Nuclear WeaponsImage by Berd Whitlock via FlickrI've been hearing about the end of the world for a long time, it seems. I'm going to dedicate this installment to a Grand-Daddy of the Modern Terrors: the Nuclear Detonation.

In the following entry from Good, I believe I represent the third category of possible interested readers: "those with questionable taste in diversions." (good) Basically, the article highlights a google map that will estimate the blast radius of nuclear weapons of various yields. (carloslabs) There is also a link to a NYT graphic showing the timeline of proliferation. (nyt)

The timeline raises a question. We can see that Klaus Fuchs passed information along to the U.S.S.R and China, but there are no names listed for the exchange between the Canada/UK node and both the U.S. and U.S.S.R.

Maybe it's in the book. (amazon)
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