Friday, November 28, 2008

Daily Shizu... not a daily... not a shizu...

There have been some interesting tidbits of information I've run across lately.

There is a new theory that states the Great Pyramid was constructed from the inside-out through the use of a secret room. (NatlGeo)

An astronaut lost an un-tethered toolbag during a spacewalk because a grease-gun exploded. (CTV) This is not the first time, nor is it the largest item, to have been loossssstt innnn spaaaaaace.... (CTV)

2,000-year-old frescos are uncovered at King Herod's tomb. (NatlGeo) Plus there's some more about the city thought to be the "David and Goliath City." (NatlGeo) In a similar vein, computer analysis that has stripped the trees from a Welsh countryside has revealed a huge prehistoric fort. (NatlGeo)

And the Earth is under attack with Cosmic rays from a nearby-but-unseen cosmic body... which may indicate steps toward proving the existence of Dark Matter... (NatlGeo) Plus there was that thing (alien attack, I still say!) that fell flaming out of the sky.

And you may have heard that the apparent Vaporware of Music, Guns N' Roses' Chinese Democracy, was actually released. It's safe to say the reviews have been predictably mixed. (Though not nearly as much as the album's production. Badda-bing!) And it was all the news that MySpace was streaming the entire album. Now it goes to Best Buy. Reviews: (wired) (NYT) ( (slate) Not everyone is pleased, though... like the Chinese Government. (CdnBusi)

At least The Church forgave John Lennon. (NYT)

Paris Vogue did a photo series of the same 20-year-old model as "different ages" using lighting and make-up. Pretty interesting. (MissatlaPlaya)

Since we sold out and went all commercial with that Gn'R thing, here's some stuff about A Colbert Christmas: The Greatest Gift of All. (NYT) (wired)

Infrared imaging of volcanoes! (NatlGeo)

And have you heard about the Japanese man that's living at an airport terminal in Mexico? (NYT)

And here's a great list of the top ten Star Wars spoofs. (ListUniverse)

Let's end with one more job that sucks that I would never want. This guy loads up a bunch of bricks onto his head (tossing the last couple up!), standing on a boat, and walks up a thin board on his way to delivery...!

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